Registration has formally closed. The form will remain open to accommodate late registrations, but admission is not guaranteed. Contact if you are registering late.

  • Closing date: January 22, 2023

  • Registration limit: 100 participants

  • Conference fee: $250

Please use the form below to register. We will contact registrants later to request payment of the conference fee. A limited number of fee waivers will be available to those in need.

We are committed to creating an inclusive, collaborative environment for all who participate in this gathering. As expressed in the Caltech Statement of Community: “We acknowledge that a multitude of perspectives is essential to all that we do”. We ask participants to respect and listen to one another, recognizing that diverse perspectives, creativity, and a willingness to fail are important parts of producing impactful science. As such, we ask registrants to review and abide by the Caltech Statement on Ethical Conduct and the AAS Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions, please contact the LOC at